Saturday, March 17, 2007

The Eisenhower Sandwich

In the '50s, my mother taught English at St Catherine’s School in Richmond, Virginia. Each spring, the cafeteria regularly served a dish the students and faculty loved— asparagus with cheese sauce on toast topped with bacon. Here’s a 21st-century spin on this reassuringly Eisenhower-era sandwich.


1 large bunch of steamed asparagus

4 pieces of toast*

4 slices of bacon, cooked

A batch of Welsh Rarebit Cheese Sauce (Adapted from the Moosewood Cookbook, 1977)

made with the following:

1 clove garlic, mashed

1 ½ tablespoons butter

1 ½ tablespoons flour

½ teaspoon dry mustard

¾ cup of Samuel Adams Boston Lager

½ pound of sharp cheddar cheese, coarsely grated

¼ teaspoon horseradish

dash of coarse black pepper


In a deep sauce pan, sauté the garlic in melted butter. Mix the flour and dry mustard together and slowly add to the garlic butter to create a roux. Wisk in the beer and cook over low heat until sauce starts to thicken. Gradually add the cheese and the remaining rarebit ingredients, stirring constantly until cheese has melted.

For each serving, put 4-5 spears of cooked asparagus on a slice of buttered toast. Top with about a quarter-cup of hot cheese sauce and a thick slice of bacon. Makes four portions.

*The toast pictured comes from a whole wheat sourdough boule. If you want a more authentically '50s sandwich, use sliced white bread toast.

Theme and Variations

  • Try this in the summer with fresh tomatoes slices instead of asparagus.
  • For vegetarians, try broiling the asparagus for an extra zing. Place washed and dried asparagus on a foil-covered cookie sheet. Drizzle with a tablespoon of olive oil and salt and pepper to taste. Run under the broiler, turning the veggies every minute or two with a spatula until they are cooked and a bit blackened.